Christmas music from Cape Breton

by adminKFS on · Leave a comment

Since it’s almost Christmas I thought I would give you some suggestions for some great holiday music from Cape Breton!

The Barra MacNeils are a band from my home town, Sydney Mines, Cape Breton. I’ve been very influenced by their music. The have two wonderful Christmas albums available as well as a DVD of their Christmas show. They are currently on tour with their Christmas show so check out their website to see if they will be in an area near you. Here is a link to their Christmas show promo video on youtube. httpv://

The Rankin sisters from the popular Rankin Family band also a great Christmas album, Do You Hear What I Hear. According to their website, they will be on tour in January.

Fiddler Ashley MacIsaac released a Christmas album in 1993 called A Cape Breton Christmas that has become a classic.

John Gracie is a wonderful singer from Cape Breton and has released several Christmas albums over the years. His Christmas songs are classics in Cape Breton. He will shortly be on tour performing Christmas music in the maritime provinces.

While fiddler Natalie MacMaster does not have any recorded Christmas music available to my knowledge, she is currently on tour with her Christmas show, Christmas in Cape Breton. Full details of her schedule are available on her website,

Please let me know if I have forgotten anything! Recordings from the Barra MacNeils and Ashley MacIsaac are available on itunes. Visit all of the artists websites for information about how to get a copy of their music.

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